Always being busy. Always doing something. Always on the run. Always the need of being productive. And today? And, what if not?
While we are working virtually, remotely and from home, the really big questions arise: Who am I? What am I doing here? What is all the work for? What and how do I want to spend my time with? And, in our own case, questions like: Why am I stuck in the same processes again and again? How do I connect my company’s vision with the needs of my client and our users? And how can my needs be reconciled with those of my surroundings?
Our mission
We write to challenge our own resilience and our transformability. To sort our thoughts. To be busy. We write for you; we want to learn, we want to exchange. We write joyfully provocative and we want to open up the room for discussions and feedback 🙂
Who is asking?
“We”, that means Christoph: A Munich-based concept engineer who works between user experience and usability for human-machine interactions in the automotive field.
And me, Christina: A product and design lead who consults towards product’s usability, services and design at a boutique SaaS company and thereby connects user desires with company needs.
We both share a passion for writing, something new and for each other. And aside from different résumés, job titles and job descriptions, we have a common vocation and a common understanding of roles. Fortunately, not everything is shiny, glossy and polished: in everyday project life we share similar challenges, just like many other UX designers. We would like to write about these challenges and how we solve them.

We are looking forward to your feedback, your experiences and would like to thank you for your time.
All the best and stay healthy, yours Christina and Christoph