
Christina Humpf is a Lead Product Design, Senior Manager, based in Munich.

She directed interdisciplinary teams in the wide range of digital product development and combined businesses through experience in favour of best user experiences, collaboration designs and experience strategies. For 12 years, Christina work experience reaches from working in innovation companies, self-employed, creative agencies, Digital Business Transfomation consultancies and latest international for one of the famostone of the best known IT consultancies.

Christina is currently leading a lovely product design team in a boutique SaaS company.

Thinking conceptually, process-oriented, inclusive and visually characterizes Christina’s way of working to this day.

Christina and her efforts are standing for Experience, Product and Service Design, UX Conception, UX Strategy, Consulting and Digital Transformation to connect user desires with customer needs. Her hybrid talent is driven by big questions, taking on complex challenges and building strategy and digital products within team collaboration and client partnership. Christina’s favorite works are based on a healthy team organization, an open communication style, and a diverse mixture of disciplines, skills and excessive engagement.

In this ideal world, structure and empathy come together by using a sparring: Christina provides leadership, management, support for creative teams, projects and set the example for creative excellence by both doing and leading. Christina is an advocate for inclusiveness. She is highly engaged in creating an environment where people want to work, learn and thrive, and most importantly, a space in which everyone feels safe, respected and enabled.

One important quality is her fearlessness and commitment regarding change, which she embraces as an opportunity to innovate and create solutions that matter to business and people.

Christina. Behind a name, profession and title.

You in five words…

That’s hard. I’m in love with details. 🙂 But today it’s: Transparency – Idealism – Thinker – Loyalty – Self-awareness

Your dream job as a child…

Vet or psychologist. And a pro-puzzler. I wanted to help all animals, because they cannot speak for themselves and their needs. And I wanted to be a psychologist, because I felt that communication and feelings are not easy to frame, but should follow at least some rules.

How do you get to UX Design?

About 11 years ago the term „UX Design“ didn’t even exist, at that time you were a concepter and most of us did not design plattforms or software. I started within communication design partly in print. And I quickly realized, that there is a thin line between „advertising and marketing“ and design as a strategy (Corporate Design, Design Strategy, Art Direction and so on). Turns out, that only Visual Graphic Design was not enough for me: I was driven by frameworks, processes and communication internal and external.

I felt, the meta-level could be a better fit for me: I wanted to meet client needs, I wanted to know, if our output generate value and how we could measure that. I was driven by Design as a Service, Design as part of Communication and how to shape processes leaner. Digitalisation was also an enabler: since the term „UX Design“ was born about 5 years ago, I am working as hybrid UX Designer in digital product developments. But sometimes I also write, debrief, work as a Collaboration Designer between teams and clients, shape digital visions, ideate, test and learn from users. And finally I am allowed to ask questions. 🙂

Your most hated buzzword…

Actually it’s the phrase „Great momentum“! Yes – A pitch win, contract sign or a project completion is a moment to hold on for a second and celebrate the hard work, but that should come from the team and not by one team-/work-external leadership person.

I also do not believe in the myth of award-winning billion dollar ideas, holy pitch decks AND the success of it. It needs more than ONE moment to set up resilient project flows, perform on continuous improvements, providing business strategies, built on client partnerships; in short it needs to have whole team (and also clients) to deliver a successfull project win.

In addition, the expression is unfortunately used inflationarily, even when nothing has happened yet.

What are you nerdy about?

Graphic design, typography, plants, cats, coffee, Post-its, stamps, organisation structures, coloured socks and nails, InDesign, communication design, learning and mentoring e.g. at Toastmaster Sessions, as a People Manager or while leading workshops, trainings and brownbags or enabling communities and growing junior colleagues.

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